Nandansons Charitable Foundation partners with Robert Wood Johnson Hospital

Ajay and Ankur and Gupta Family and Nandansons Staff are happy to partner with Robert Wood Johnson Hospital to have a positive impact on the local community. Please read true story below.
A mother just gave birth to twins- both unfortunately were premature and had to be held in the NICU. One of them had extreme lung issues and needed the use of an ECMO machine, something that RWJ did not carry, and is not easily available in the state. For this reason, the baby was rushed to CHOP to be treated, however only the one twin is transferred, not the other. The mother unfortunately was left with a dilemma of trying to watch over both of her children when they were almost 60 miles apart from each other. E xtra C orporeal M embrane O xygenation (ECMO) is a method to support the function of both the heart and the lungs in patients with cardiac failure, lung failure, or both. It consists of a pump- which serves as the function of the heart and physically pumps the blood- and an oxygenator- provides for gas exchange to enrich the blood returning to the patient with oxygen and rid the blood of carbon dioxide. The ECMO is used during surgery, at the bedside of an ICU patient or for a NICU baby. This machine was purchased in the winter of this year. We thank the Nandansons Charitable Foundation for their gift that helped to support the purchase of this machine.
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