Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Gupta Family, and Nandansons Team are proud to announce the opening of the new JFK Medical Center Emergency Bay # 33
Emergency Bay # 33 has been constructed to serve as the Delivery/OBGYN suite for the Emergency Department.Nandansons Charitable Foundation supported the renovation and modernization of the new Emergency Bay # 33 to serve a very big need of the Emergency Department at JFK Medical Center......
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Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, and Gupta Family / Team,We hope you are doing well!As you know, philanthropy like yours enables us to do incredible things every day; however, it’s not every day that that we have the opportunity to show a philanthropic partner just how directly—and publically—their support helps us to improve the quality of care we provide.......
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Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Gupta Family, and Nandansons Team are proud to announce the opening of the new Ambulance Entrance at JFK Medical Center Hospital in Edison, New Jersey.More than 29,000 patients came into the JFK Emergency Department via ambulances during the past 12 months. This represents approximately 38% of the total number of ER patients......
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