Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, and Nandansons Team,Thank you again for your family’s generous contribution to Hindu Samaj Temple of Mahwah.Started in 1996, Hindu Samaj has a membership of approximately 2500 families. It provides religious, cultural and social services in New Jersey and the surrounding areas. Hindu Samaj has temples for Ram Ji Parivar, Shiv Ji Parivar,......
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Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, and family, On behalf of the American Museum of Natural History I would like to thank your family for your very generous contribution. Your support right now is critical. Your donation now will allow us to continue our mission of science and education–and help ensure…...
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Dear Gupta family and Nandansons Team, NYU's annual fund, The Fund for NYU, enables alumni, parents, and friends to support their schools, Bobst Library, scholarships, and student life. The cumulative impact of tens of thousands of generous donors is staggering. Giving to NYU every year ensures that the Fund for NYU's impact is continuous and consistent......
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