Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, and Nandansons Team,Thank you again for your family’s generous contribution to the Emergency Department renovation project at RWJ.As a token of our gratitude, we have installed a plaque in the Emergency Department. Please see images below.......
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I hope you and your family are well and staying healthy and safe!It certainly feels like the world is crumbling at times. I wish we could rewind and redo 2020. At Lincoln Center, we at least feel fortunate to be delivering on our mission in new and measurably impactful ways thanks to your unwavering support.All of us at Lincoln Center are truly grateful to the Nandansons Charitable Foundation for providing much-needed......
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Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Gupta Family, and Nandansons Team,I hope you and your families are well and safe.I wanted to share this important update with you and your family and the Nandansons team.We are extremely grateful for the funding you have given us to develop and launch the Pediatrics Urgent Virtual Care Program at NYU Langone.......
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During the height of the pandemic, while contending with many unknowns, team members at JFK Medical Center found comfort in knowing that both loyal friends and new ones were there to provide support. Financial contributions, donations of PPE and food for frontline caregivers, all directly impacted our COVID-19 response......
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Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Gupta Family, and Nandansons Team,We hope everyone is well!We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous gift to support the construction and equipment needs of the Delivery/OBGYN Suite at JFK Medical Center.Our labor and delivery unit offers expectant parents in Edison and surrounding areas with the best team, best care, best outcomes, and are committed to providing family-center maternity care. With your......
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Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Gupta Family, and Nandansons Team,I hope you and your families are well and safe.I wanted to share this important update with you and your family about the impact of the meals you have donated to our staff.Every few days, NYU Langone Health rotates our COVID-19 thank you giving site with brief stories and photos, highlighting generous donations......
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Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Gupta Family, and Nandansons Team,We hope you are doing well! I wanted to share this important update with you and your family about the impact of your gift.For so many of us life has quickly changed in profound and difficult ways. I have drawn both comfort and strength, however, from the fearless frontline health workers treating critically ill patients across the country and, most especially, here at NYU Langone......
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Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Gupta Family, and Nandansons Team are proud to announce the opening of the new JFK Medical Center Emergency Bay # 33
Emergency Bay # 33 has been constructed to serve as the Delivery/OBGYN suite for the Emergency Department.Nandansons Charitable Foundation supported the renovation and modernization of the new Emergency Bay # 33 to serve a very big need of the Emergency Department at JFK Medical Center......
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Dear Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, and Gupta Family / Team,We hope you are doing well!As you know, philanthropy like yours enables us to do incredible things every day; however, it’s not every day that that we have the opportunity to show a philanthropic partner just how directly—and publically—their support helps us to improve the quality of care we provide.......
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Ajay Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Gupta Family, and Nandansons Team are proud to announce the opening of the new Ambulance Entrance at JFK Medical Center Hospital in Edison, New Jersey.More than 29,000 patients came into the JFK Emergency Department via ambulances during the past 12 months. This represents approximately 38% of the total number of ER patients......
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